/* massip-parse This module parses IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. It's not a typical parser. It's optimized around parsing large files containing millions of addresses and ranges using a "state-machine parser". */ #include "massip.h" #include "massip-parse.h" #include "massip-rangesv4.h" #include "massip-rangesv6.h" #include "util-logger.h" #include "util-bool.h" #include "util-malloc.h" #include "util-safefunc.h" #include "unusedparm.h" #include struct massip_parser { unsigned long long line_number; unsigned long long char_number; unsigned state; unsigned tmp; unsigned char digit_count; unsigned addr; unsigned begin; unsigned end; struct { ipv6address _begin; ipv6address _end; unsigned short tmp[8]; unsigned char index; unsigned char ellision_index; unsigned is_bracket:1; unsigned is_second:1; } ipv6; }; /*************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************/ static struct massip_parser * _parser_init(struct massip_parser *p) { memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p)); p->line_number = 1; p->ipv6.ellision_index = 8; return p; } /*************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************/ static void _parser_destroy(struct massip_parser *p) { UNUSEDPARM(p); } /*************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************/ static void _parser_err(struct massip_parser *p, unsigned long long *line_number, unsigned long long *charindex) { *line_number = p->line_number; *charindex = p->char_number; } /** * Called before parsing the first address in a pair, and also * after the first address, to prepare for parsing the next * address */ static void _init_next_address(struct massip_parser *p, int is_second) { p->tmp = 0; p->ipv6.ellision_index = 8; p->ipv6.index = 0; p->ipv6.is_bracket = 0; p->digit_count = 0; p->ipv6.is_second = is_second; } static unsigned _parser_finish_ipv6(struct massip_parser *p) { unsigned index = p->ipv6.index; unsigned ellision = p->ipv6.ellision_index; /* We must have seen 8 numbers, or an ellision */ if (index < 8 && ellision >= 8) return 1; /* Handle ellision */ memmove( &p->ipv6.tmp[8-(index-ellision)], &p->ipv6.tmp[ellision], sizeof(p->ipv6.tmp[0]) * (index-ellision) ); memset( &p->ipv6.tmp[ellision], 0, sizeof(p->ipv6.tmp[0]) * (8 - index) ); /* Copy over to begin/end. We parse the address as a series of 16-bit * integers, but return the result as two 64-bit integers */ { ipv6address a; a.hi = (uint64_t)p->ipv6.tmp[0] << 48ULL | (uint64_t)p->ipv6.tmp[1] << 32ULL | (uint64_t)p->ipv6.tmp[2] << 16ULL | (uint64_t)p->ipv6.tmp[3] << 0ULL; a.lo = (uint64_t)p->ipv6.tmp[4] << 48ULL | (uint64_t)p->ipv6.tmp[5] << 32ULL | (uint64_t)p->ipv6.tmp[6] << 16ULL | (uint64_t)p->ipv6.tmp[7] << 0ULL; if (p->ipv6.is_second) p->ipv6._end = a; else { p->ipv6._begin = a; /* Set this here in case there is no 'end' address */ p->ipv6._end = a; } } /* Reset the parser to start parsing the next address */ _init_next_address(p, 1); return 0; } /*************************************************************************** * We store the IPv6 addresses that we are building inside the 'state' * of the state-machine. This function copies them out of the opaque * state into discrete values. ***************************************************************************/ static void _parser_get_ipv6(struct massip_parser *state, ipv6address *begin, ipv6address *end) { *begin = state->ipv6._begin; *end = state->ipv6._end; } enum parser_state_t { LINE_START, ADDR_START, COMMENT, NUMBER0, NUMBER1, NUMBER2, NUMBER3, NUMBER_ERR, SECOND0, SECOND1, SECOND2, SECOND3, SECOND_ERR, IPV4_CIDR_NUM, UNIDASH1, UNIDASH2, IPV6_BEGIN, IPV6_COLON, IPV6_CIDR, IPV6_CIDR_NUM, IPV6_NEXT, IPV6_END, ERROR }; /*************************************************************************** * When we start parsing an address, we don't know whether it's going to * be IPv4 or IPv6. We assume IPv4, but when we hit a condition indicating * that it's IPv6 instead, we need change the temporary number we * are working on from decimal to hex, then move from the middle of * parsing an IPv4 address to the middle of parsing an IPv6 address. ***************************************************************************/ static int _switch_to_ipv6(struct massip_parser *p, int old_state) { unsigned num = p->tmp; num = ((num/1000)%10) * 16 * 16 * 16 + ((num/100)%10) * 16 * 16 + ((num/10)%10) * 16 + (num % 10); //printf("%u -> 0x%x\n", p->tmp, num); p->tmp = num; return old_state; } enum { IPV4_n, IPV4_nn, IPV4_nnn, IPV4_nnn_, IPV4_nnn_n, IPV4_nnn_nn, IPV4_nnn_nnn, IPV4_nnn_nnn_, IPV4_nnn_nnn_n, IPV4_nnn_nnn_nn, IPV4_nnn_nnn_nnn, IPV4_nnn_nnn_nnn_, IPV4_nnn_nnn_nnn_n, IPV4_nnn_nnn_nnn_nn, IPV4_nnn_nnn_nnn_nnn, IPV4_nnn_nnn_nnn_nnn_, IPV4e_n, IPV4e_nn, IPV4e_nnn, IPV4e_nnn_, IPV4e_nnn_n, IPV4e_nnn_nn, IPV4e_nnn_nnn, IPV4e_nnn_nnn_, IPV4e_nnn_nnn_n, IPV4e_nnn_nnn_nn, IPV4e_nnn_nnn_nnn, IPV4e_nnn_nnn_nnn_, IPV4e_nnn_nnn_nnn_n, IPV4e_nnn_nnn_nnn_nn, IPV4e_nnn_nnn_nnn_nnn, IPV4e_nnn_nnn_nnn_nnn_, }; /** * Applies a CIDR mask to an IPv4 address to create a begin/end address. */ static void _ipv4_apply_cidr(unsigned *begin, unsigned *end, unsigned bitcount) { unsigned long long mask = 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL >> bitcount; /* mask off low-order bits */ *begin &= (unsigned)mask; /* Set all suffix bits to 1, so that has * an ending address of */ *end = *begin | (unsigned)~mask; } /** * Given an address 'being' and a 'prefix', return the 'begin' and 'end' address of the range. * @param begin * An in/out parameter. This may have some extra bits somewhere in the range. * These will be masked off and set to zero when the function returns. * @param end * An out parameter. This will be set to the last address of the range, meaning * that all the trailing bits will be set to '1'. * @parame prefix * The number of bits of the prefix, from [0..128]. If the value is 0, * then the 'begin' address will be set to all zeroes and the 'end' * address will be set to all ones. If the value is 128, * the 'begin' address is unchanged and the 'end' address * is set to the same as 'begin'. */ static void _ipv6_apply_cidr(ipv6address *begin, ipv6address *end, unsigned prefix) { ipv6address mask; /* For bad prefixes, make sure we return an invalid address */ if (prefix > 128) { static const ipv6address invalid = {~0ULL, ~0ULL}; *begin = invalid; *end = invalid; return; }; /* Create the mask from the prefix */ if (prefix > 64) mask.hi = ~0ULL; else if (prefix == 0) mask.hi = 0; else mask.hi = ~0ULL << (64 - prefix); if (prefix > 64) mask.lo = ~0ULL << (128 - prefix); else mask.lo = 0; /* Mask off any non-zero bits from the start * TODO print warning */ begin->hi &= mask.hi; begin->lo &= mask.lo; /* Set all suffix bits to 1, so that has * an ending address of */ end->hi = begin->hi | ~mask.hi; end->lo = begin->lo | ~mask.lo; } /*************************************************************************** * Parse the next IPv4/IPv6 address from a text stream, using a * 'state-machine parser'. ***************************************************************************/ static enum {Still_Working, Found_Error, Found_IPv4, Found_IPv6} _parser_next(struct massip_parser *p, const char *buf, size_t *r_offset, size_t length, unsigned *r_begin, unsigned *r_end) { size_t i; enum parser_state_t state = p->state; int result = Still_Working; /* The 'offset' parameter is optional. If NULL, then set it to zero */ if (r_offset) i = *r_offset; else i = 0; /* For all bytes in this chunk. This loop will exit early once * we've found a complete IP address. */ while (i < length) { unsigned char c = buf[i++]; p->char_number++; switch (state) { case LINE_START: case ADDR_START: _init_next_address(p, 0); switch (c) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': /* ignore leading whitespace */ continue; case '\n': p->line_number++; p->char_number = 0; continue; case '#': case ';': case '/': case '-': state = COMMENT; continue; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': p->tmp = (c - '0'); p->digit_count = 1; state = NUMBER0; break; case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': p->tmp = (c - 'a' + 10); p->digit_count = 1; state = IPV6_BEGIN; break; case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': p->tmp = (c - 'A' + 10); p->digit_count = 1; state = IPV6_BEGIN; break; case ':': p->ipv6.tmp[p->ipv6.index++] = 0; state = IPV6_COLON; break; case '[': p->ipv6.is_bracket = 1; state = IPV6_BEGIN; break; default: state = ERROR; length = i; /* break out of loop */ break; } break; case IPV6_CIDR: p->digit_count = 0; p->tmp = 0; switch (c) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': p->tmp = (c - '0'); p->digit_count = 1; state = IPV6_CIDR_NUM; break; default: state = ERROR; length = i; /* break out of loop */ break; } break; case IPV6_COLON: p->digit_count = 0; p->tmp = 0; if (c == ':') { if (p->ipv6.ellision_index < 8) { state = ERROR; length = i; } else { p->ipv6.ellision_index = p->ipv6.index; state = IPV6_COLON; } break; } state = IPV6_BEGIN; /* drop down */ case IPV6_BEGIN: case IPV6_NEXT: switch (c) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (p->digit_count >= 4) { state = ERROR; length = i; } else { p->tmp = p->tmp * 16 + (c - '0'); p->digit_count++; } break; case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': if (p->digit_count >= 4) { state = ERROR; length = i; } else { p->tmp = p->tmp * 16 + (c - 'a' + 10); p->digit_count++; } break; case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': if (p->digit_count >= 4) { state = ERROR; length = i; } else { p->tmp = p->tmp * 16 + (c - 'A' + 10); p->digit_count++; } break; case ':': if (p->ipv6.index >= 8) { state = ERROR; length = i; } else { p->ipv6.tmp[p->ipv6.index++] = (unsigned short)p->tmp; state = IPV6_COLON; } break; case ']': if (!p->ipv6.is_bracket) { state = ERROR; length = i; } else { state = IPV6_END; } break; case '[': if (p->ipv6.is_bracket) { state = ERROR; length = i; } else { p->ipv6.is_bracket = 1; } break; case '/': case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': case ',': case '-': i--; /* push back */ state = IPV6_END; continue; default: state = ERROR; length = i; break; } break; case IPV6_END: /* Finish off the trailing number */ p->ipv6.tmp[p->ipv6.index++] = (unsigned short)p->tmp; /* Do the final processing of this IPv6 address and * prepare for the next one */ if (_parser_finish_ipv6(p) != 0) { state = ERROR; length = i; continue; } /* Now decide the next state, whether this is a single * address, an address range, or a CIDR address */ switch (c) { case '/': result = Still_Working; state = IPV6_CIDR; break; case '-': result = Still_Working; state = IPV6_NEXT; break; case '\n': p->line_number++; p->char_number = 0; /* drop down */ case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case ',': result = Found_IPv6; state = 0; length = i; /* shorten the end to break out of loop */ break; default: state = ERROR; length = i; break; } break; case COMMENT: if (c == '\n') { state = LINE_START; p->line_number++; p->char_number = 0; } else state = COMMENT; break; case IPV6_CIDR_NUM: switch (c) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (p->digit_count == 4) { state = ERROR; length = i; /* break out of loop */ } else { p->digit_count++; p->tmp = p->tmp * 10 + (c - '0'); if (p->tmp > 128) { state = ERROR; length = i; } continue; } break; case ':': case ',': case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': { _ipv6_apply_cidr(&p->ipv6._begin, &p->ipv6._end, p->tmp); state = ADDR_START; length = i; /* break out of loop */ if (c == '\n') { p->line_number++; p->char_number = 0; } *r_begin = p->begin; *r_end = p->end; result = Found_IPv6; } break; default: state = ERROR; length = i; /* break out of loop */ break; } break; case IPV4_CIDR_NUM: switch (c) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (p->digit_count == 3) { state = ERROR; length = i; /* break out of loop */ } else { p->digit_count++; p->tmp = p->tmp * 10 + (c - '0'); if (p->tmp > 32) { state = ERROR; length = i; } continue; } break; case ':': case ',': case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': { _ipv4_apply_cidr(&p->begin, &p->end, p->tmp); state = ADDR_START; length = i; /* break out of loop */ if (c == '\n') { p->line_number++; p->char_number = 0; } *r_begin = p->begin; *r_end = p->end; result = Found_IPv4; } break; default: state = ERROR; length = i; /* break out of loop */ break; } break; case UNIDASH1: if (c == 0x80) state = UNIDASH2; else { state = ERROR; length = i; /* break out of loop */ } break; case UNIDASH2: /* This covers: * U+2010 HYPHEN * U+2011 NON-BREAKING HYPHEN * U+2012 FIGURE DASH * U+2013 EN DASH * U+2014 EM DASH * U+2015 HORIZONTAL BAR */ if (c < 0x90 || 0x95 < c) { state = ERROR; length = i; /* break out of loop */ } else { c = '-'; state = NUMBER3; /* drop down */ } case NUMBER0: case NUMBER1: case NUMBER2: case NUMBER3: case SECOND0: case SECOND1: case SECOND2: case SECOND3: switch (c) { case '.': p->addr = (p->addr << 8) | p->tmp; p->tmp = 0; p->digit_count = 0; if (state == NUMBER3 || state == SECOND3) { length = i; state = ERROR; } else state++; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': p->digit_count++; p->tmp = p->tmp * 10 + (c - '0'); if (p->tmp > 255 || p->digit_count > 3) { if (state == NUMBER0) { /* Assume that we've actually got an * IPv6 number */ _switch_to_ipv6(p, state); state = IPV6_BEGIN; } else { state = ERROR; length = i; } } continue; break; case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': if (state == NUMBER0 || state == SECOND0) { /* Assume that we've actually got an * IPv6 number */ _switch_to_ipv6(p, state); state = IPV6_BEGIN; i--; /* go back one character */ } else { state = ERROR; length = i; /* break out of loop */ } break; case 0xe2: if (state == NUMBER3) { state = UNIDASH1; } else { state = ERROR; length = i; /* break out of loop */ } break; case '-': case 0x96: /* long dash, comes from copy/pasting into exclude files */ if (state == NUMBER3) { p->begin = (p->addr << 8) | p->tmp; p->tmp = 0; p->digit_count = 0; p->addr = 0; state = SECOND0; } else { state = NUMBER_ERR; length = i; } break; case '/': if (state == NUMBER3) { p->begin = (p->addr << 8) | p->tmp; p->tmp = 0; p->digit_count = 0; p->addr = 0; state = IPV4_CIDR_NUM; } else { state = NUMBER_ERR; length = i; /* break out of loop */ } break; case ':': if (state == NUMBER0) { /* Assume this is an IPv6 address instead of an IPv4 address */ _switch_to_ipv6(p, state); state = IPV6_BEGIN; i--; break; } case ',': case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': if (state == NUMBER3) { p->begin = (p->addr << 8) | p->tmp; p->end = p->begin; p->tmp = 0; p->digit_count = 0; p->addr = 0; state = ADDR_START; length = i; /* break out of loop */ if (c == '\n') { p->line_number++; p->char_number = 0; } *r_begin = p->begin; *r_end = p->end; result = Found_IPv4; } else if (state == SECOND3) { p->end = (p->addr << 8) | p->tmp; p->tmp = 0; p->digit_count = 0; p->addr = 0; state = ADDR_START; length = i; /* break out of loop */ if (c == '\n') { p->line_number++; p->char_number = 0; } *r_begin = p->begin; *r_end = p->end; result = Found_IPv4; } else { state = NUMBER_ERR; length = i; } break; default: state = ERROR; length = i; /* break out of loop */ break; } break; default: case ERROR: case NUMBER_ERR: case SECOND_ERR: state = ERROR; length = i; /* break */ break; } } /* The 'offset' parameter is optional. If NULL, then * we don't return a value */ if (r_offset) *r_offset = i; p->state = state; if (state == ERROR || state == NUMBER_ERR || state == SECOND_ERR) result = Found_Error; return result; } /*************************************************************************** * Test errors. We should get exactly which line-number and which character * in the line caused the error ***************************************************************************/ static int rangefile_test_error(const char *buf, unsigned long long in_line_number, unsigned long long in_char_number, unsigned which_test) { size_t length = strlen(buf); size_t offset = 0; struct massip_parser p[1]; unsigned out_begin = 0xa3a3a3a3; unsigned out_end = 0xa3a3a3a3; unsigned long long out_line_number; unsigned long long out_char_number; int x; /* test the entire buffer */ _parser_init(p); x = _parser_next(p, buf, &offset, length, &out_begin, &out_end); if (x != Found_Error) goto fail; _parser_err(p, &out_line_number, &out_char_number); if (in_line_number != out_line_number || in_char_number != out_char_number) goto fail; /* test one byte at a time */ _parser_destroy(p); _parser_init(p); offset = 0; out_begin = 0xa3a3a3a3; out_end = 0xa3a3a3a3; x = 0; while (offset < length) { x = _parser_next(p, buf, &offset, offset+1, &out_begin, &out_end); if (x == Found_Error) break; } if (x != Found_Error) goto fail; _parser_err(p, &out_line_number, &out_char_number); if (in_line_number != out_line_number || in_char_number != out_char_number) goto fail; _parser_destroy(p); return 0; fail: _parser_destroy(p); fprintf(stderr, "[-] rangefile test fail, line=%u\n", which_test); return 1; } /*************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************/ int massip_parse_file(struct MassIP *massip, const char *filename) { struct RangeList *targets_ipv4 = &massip->ipv4; struct Range6List *targets_ipv6 = &massip->ipv6; struct massip_parser p[1]; char buf[65536]; FILE *fp = NULL; bool is_error = false; unsigned addr_count = 0; unsigned long long line_number, char_number; /* Kludge: should never happen, should fix this when reading in * config, not this deep in the code. */ if (filename == 0 || filename[0] == '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "[-] missing filename for ranges\n"); exit(1); } /* * Open the file containing IP addresses, which can potentially be * many megabytes in size */ if (strcmp(filename, "-") == 0) { fp = stdin; } else { fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "[-] FAIL: parsing IP addresses\n"); fprintf(stderr, "[-] %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } /* * Create a parser for reading in the IP addresses using a state * machine parser */ _parser_init(p); /* * Read in the data a block at a time, parsing according to the state * machine. */ while (!is_error) { size_t count; size_t offset; count = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp); if (count <= 0) break; offset = 0; while (offset < count) { unsigned begin, end; int err; err = _parser_next(p, buf, &offset, count, &begin, &end); switch (err) { case Still_Working: if (offset < count) { /* We reached this somehow in the middle of the buffer, but * this return is only possible at the end of the buffer */ fprintf(stderr, "[-] rangeparse_next(): unknown coding failure\n"); } break; case Found_Error: default: _parser_err(p, &line_number, &char_number); fprintf(stderr, "[-] %s:%llu:%llu: invalid IP address on line #%llu\n", filename, line_number, char_number, line_number); is_error = true; count = offset; break; case Found_IPv4: rangelist_add_range(targets_ipv4, begin, end); addr_count++; break; case Found_IPv6: { ipv6address found_begin, found_end; _parser_get_ipv6(p, &found_begin, &found_end); range6list_add_range(targets_ipv6, found_begin, found_end); addr_count++; } break; } } } /* Close the file, unless we are reading from */ if (fp != stdin && fp != NULL) fclose(fp); /* In case the file doesn't end with a newline '\n', then artificially * add one to the end. This is just a repeat of the code above */ if (!is_error) { size_t offset = 0; unsigned begin, end; int err; err = _parser_next(p, "\n", &offset, 1, &begin, &end); switch (err) { case Still_Working: break; case Found_Error: default: _parser_err(p, &line_number, &char_number); fprintf(stderr, "[-] %s:%llu:%llu: invalid IP address on line #%llu\n", filename, line_number, char_number, line_number); is_error = true; break; case Found_IPv4: rangelist_add_range(targets_ipv4, begin, end); addr_count++; break; case Found_IPv6: { ipv6address found_begin, found_end; _parser_get_ipv6(p, &found_begin, &found_end); range6list_add_range(targets_ipv6, found_begin, found_end); addr_count++; } break; } } LOG(1, "[+] %s: %u addresses read\n", filename, addr_count); /* Target list must be sorted every time it's been changed, * before it can be used */ rangelist_sort(targets_ipv4); if (is_error) return -1; /* fail */ else return 0; /* success*/ } ipv6address massip_parse_ipv6(const char *line) { struct massip_parser p[1]; size_t count = strlen(line); size_t offset = 0; int err; unsigned begin, end; ipv6address result; ipv6address range; _parser_init(p); err = _parser_next(p, line, &offset, count, &begin, &end); again: switch (err) { case Still_Working: if (offset < count) { /* We reached this somehow in the middle of the buffer, but * this return is only possible at the end of the buffer */ fprintf(stderr, "[-] _parser_next(): unknown coding failure\n"); goto fail; } else { err = _parser_next(p, "\n", 0, 1, &begin, &end); if (err == Still_Working) { fprintf(stderr, "[-] _parser_next(): unknown coding failure\n"); goto fail; } else { goto again; } } break; case Found_Error: default: goto fail; case Found_IPv4: goto fail; case Found_IPv6: _parser_get_ipv6(p, &result, &range); if (!ipv6address_is_equal(result, range)) goto fail; return result; } fail: result.hi = ~0ULL; result.lo = ~0ULL; return result; } unsigned massip_parse_ipv4(const char *line) { struct massip_parser p[1]; size_t count = strlen(line); size_t offset = 0; int err; unsigned begin, end; _parser_init(p); err = _parser_next(p, line, &offset, count, &begin, &end); again: switch (err) { case Still_Working: if (offset < count) { /* We reached this somehow in the middle of the buffer, but * this return is only possible at the end of the buffer */ fprintf(stderr, "[-] _parser_next(): unknown coding failure\n"); goto fail; } else { err = _parser_next(p, "\n", 0, 1, &begin, &end); if (err == Still_Working) { fprintf(stderr, "[-] _parser_next(): unknown coding failure\n"); goto fail; } else { goto again; } } break; case Found_Error: default: goto fail; case Found_IPv6: goto fail; case Found_IPv4: if (begin != end) goto fail; return begin; } fail: return 0xFFFFFFFF; } enum RangeParseResult massip_parse_range(const char *line, size_t *offset, size_t count, struct Range *ipv4, struct Range6 *ipv6) { struct massip_parser p[1]; int err; unsigned begin, end; size_t tmp_offset = 0; /* The 'count' (length of the string) is an optional parameter. If * zero, and also the offset is NULL, then set it to the string length */ if (count == 0 && offset == NULL) count = strlen(line); /* The offset is an optional parameter. If NULL, then we set * it to point to a value on the stack instead */ if (offset == NULL) offset = &tmp_offset; /* Create e parser object */ _parser_init(p); /* Parse the next range from the input */ err = _parser_next(p, line, offset, count, &begin, &end); again: switch (err) { case Still_Working: if (*offset < count) { /* We reached this somehow in the middle of the buffer, but * this return is only possible at the end of the buffer */ fprintf(stderr, "[-] _parser_next(): unknown coding failure\n"); return Bad_Address; } else { err = _parser_next(p, "\n", 0, 1, &begin, &end); if (err == Still_Working) { fprintf(stderr, "[-] _parser_next(): unknown coding failure\n"); return Bad_Address; } else { goto again; } } break; case Found_Error: default: return Bad_Address; case Found_IPv4: ipv4->begin = begin; ipv4->end = end; return Ipv4_Address; case Found_IPv6: _parser_get_ipv6(p, &ipv6->begin, &ipv6->end); return Ipv6_Address; } } /** * This tests parsing when addresses/ranges are specified on the command-line * or configuration files, rather than the other test-cases which test parsing * when the IP addresses are specified in a file. The thing we are looking for * here is specifically when users separate addresses with things like * commas and spaces. */ static int selftest_massip_parse_range(void) { struct testcases { const char *line; union { struct Range ipv4; struct Range6 ipv6; } list[4]; } cases[] = { {",", {{{0x100,0x1ff}}, {{0x300,0x400}}}}, {",", {{{0x100,0x1ff}}, {{0x300,0x400}}}}, {"", {{{0x100,0x1ff}}, {{0x300,0x400}}}}, {0} }; size_t i; for (i=0; cases[i].line; i++) { size_t length = strlen(cases[i].line); size_t offset = 0; size_t j = 0; struct Range6 range6; struct Range range4; while (offset < length) { int x; x = massip_parse_range(cases[i].line, &offset, length, &range4, &range6); switch (x) { default: case Bad_Address: fprintf(stdout, "[-] selftest_massip_parse_range[%u] fail\n", (unsigned)i); return 1; case Ipv4_Address: if (cases[i].list[j].ipv4.begin != range4.begin || cases[i].list[j].ipv4.end != range4.end) { fprintf(stdout, "[-] %u.%u.%u.%u - %u.%u.%u.%u\n", (unsigned char)(range4.begin>>24), (unsigned char)(range4.begin>>16), (unsigned char)(range4.begin>> 8), (unsigned char)(range4.begin>> 0), (unsigned char)(range4.end>>24), (unsigned char)(range4.end>>16), (unsigned char)(range4.end>> 8), (unsigned char)(range4.end>> 0) ); fprintf(stdout, "[-] selftest_massip_parse_range[%u] fail\n", (unsigned)i); return 1; } break; } j++; } /* Make sure we have found all the expected cases */ if (cases[i].list[j].ipv4.begin != 0) { fprintf(stdout, "[-] selftest_massip_parse_range[%u] fail\n", (unsigned)i); return 1; } } return 0; } /*************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************/ static int rangefile6_test_buffer(struct massip_parser *parser, const char *buf, ipv6address expected_begin, ipv6address expected_end) { size_t length = strlen(buf); size_t offset = 0; ipv6address found_begin = {1,2}; ipv6address found_end = {1,2}; unsigned tmp1, tmp2; int err; /* test the entire buffer */ err = _parser_next(parser, buf, &offset, length, &tmp1, &tmp2); if (err == Still_Working) err = _parser_next(parser, "\n", 0, 1, &tmp1, &tmp2); switch (err) { case Found_IPv6: /* Extract the resulting IPv6 address from the state structure */ _parser_get_ipv6(parser, &found_begin, &found_end); /* Test to see if the parsed address equals the expected address */ if (!ipv6address_is_equal(found_begin, expected_begin)) { ipaddress_formatted_t fmt1 = ipv6address_fmt(found_begin); ipaddress_formatted_t fmt2 = ipv6address_fmt(expected_begin); fprintf(stderr, "[-] begin mismatch: found=[%s], expected=[%s]\n", fmt1.string, fmt2.string); goto fail; } if (!ipv6address_is_equal(found_end, expected_end)) { ipaddress_formatted_t fmt1 = ipv6address_fmt(found_end); ipaddress_formatted_t fmt2 = ipv6address_fmt(expected_end); fprintf(stderr, "[-] end mismatch: found=[%s], expected=[%s]\n", fmt1.string, fmt2.string); goto fail; } break; case Found_IPv4: if (expected_begin.hi != 0 || expected_end.hi != 0) goto fail; if (tmp1 != expected_begin.lo || tmp2 != expected_end.lo) goto fail; break; case Still_Working: /* Found a partial address, which is a normal result in the * real world at buffer boundaries, but which is an error * here */ goto fail; case Found_Error: default: goto fail; } return 0; /* success */ fail: return 1; /* failure */ } /*************************************************************************** * List of test cases. Each test case contains three parts: * - the string representation of an address, as read from a file, meaning * that it can contain additional things like comment strings * - the first address of a range, which in the case of IPv6 addresses * will be two 64-bit numbers, but an IPv4 address have a high-order * number set to zero and the low-order number set to the IPv4 address * - the second address of a range, which in the case of individual * addresses, will be equal to the first number ***************************************************************************/ struct { const char *string; ipv6address begin; ipv6address end; } test_cases[] = { {"[1::1]/126", {0x0001000000000000ULL, 0ULL}, {0x0001000000000000ULL, 3ULL}}, {"1::1/126", {0x0001000000000000ULL, 0ULL}, {0x0001000000000000ULL, 3ULL}}, {"[1::1]-[2::3]", {0x0001000000000000ULL, 1ULL}, {0x0002000000000000ULL, 3ULL}}, {"1::1-2::3", {0x0001000000000000ULL, 1ULL}, {0x0002000000000000ULL, 3ULL}}, {"[1234:5678:9abc:def0:0fed:cba9:8765:4321]", {0x123456789abcdef0ULL, 0x0fedcba987654321ULL}, {0x123456789abcdef0ULL, 0x0fedcba987654321ULL}}, {"22ab::1", {0x22ab000000000000ULL, 1ULL}, {0x22ab000000000000ULL, 1ULL}}, {"240e:33c:2:c080:d08:d0e:b53:e74e", {0x240e033c0002c080ULL, 0x0d080d0e0b53e74eULL}, {0x240e033c0002c080ULL, 0x0d080d0e0b53e74eULL}}, {"2a03:90c0:105::9", {0x2a0390c001050000ULL, 9ULL}, {0x2a0390c001050000ULL, 9ULL}}, {"2a03:9060:0:400::2", {0x2a03906000000400ULL, 2ULL}, {0x2a03906000000400ULL, 2ULL}}, {"2c0f:ff00:0:a:face:b00c:0:a7", {0x2c0fff000000000aULL, 0xfaceb00c000000a7ULL}, {0x2c0fff000000000aULL, 0xfaceb00c000000a7ULL}}, {"2a01:5b40:0:4a01:0:e21d:789f:59b1", {0x2a015b4000004a01ULL, 0x0000e21d789f59b1ULL}, {0x2a015b4000004a01ULL, 0x0000e21d789f59b1ULL}}, {"2001:1200:10::1", {0x2001120000100000ULL, 1ULL}, {0x2001120000100000ULL, 1ULL}}, {"fec0:0:0:ffff::1", {0xfec000000000ffffULL, 1ULL}, {0xfec000000000ffffULL, 1ULL}}, {"1234:5678:9abc:def0:0fed:cba9:8765:4321", {0x123456789abcdef0ULL, 0x0fedcba987654321ULL}, {0x123456789abcdef0ULL, 0x0fedcba987654321ULL}}, {"[1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888]", {0x1111222233334444ULL, 0x5555666677778888ULL}, {0x1111222233334444ULL, 0x5555666677778888ULL}}, {"1::1", {0x0001000000000000ULL, 1ULL}, {0x0001000000000000ULL, 1ULL}}, {"", {0, 0x01020304}, {0, 0x01020304}}, {"#test\n" "\x96" "\n", {0, 0x6156a2a1}, {0, 0x6156a2af}}, {"\n", {0, 0x01020300}, {0, 0x010203ff}}, {"\n", {0, 0x01020304}, {0, 0x01020305}}, {0,{0,0},{0,0}} }; /*************************************************************************** * Called during "make test" to run a regression test over this module. ***************************************************************************/ int massip_parse_selftest(void) { int x = 0; size_t i; struct massip_parser parser[1]; /* Run through the test cases, stopping at the first failure */ _parser_init(parser); for (i=0; test_cases[i].string; i++) { x += rangefile6_test_buffer(parser, test_cases[i].string, test_cases[i].begin, test_cases[i].end); if (x) { fprintf(stderr, "[-] failed: %u: %s\n", (unsigned)i, test_cases[i].string); break; } } _parser_destroy(parser); /* First, do the single line test */ x += selftest_massip_parse_range(); if (x) return x; x += rangefile_test_error("#bad ipv4\n\n", 2, 5, __LINE__); x += rangefile_test_error("#bad ipv4\n\n", 2, 6, __LINE__); x += rangefile_test_error("#bad ipv4\n\n", 2, 9, __LINE__); x += rangefile_test_error("#bad ipv4\n\n", 2, 13, __LINE__); x += rangefile_test_error("#bad ipv4\n\n", 2, 9, __LINE__); if (x) LOG(0, "[-] rangefile_selftest: fail\n"); return x; }