# stagit > static git page generator #### Information This is my personal fork of [stagit](https://codemadness.org/stagit.html) which is running [git.acid.vegas](https://git.acid.vegas/) ## Dependencies - [libgit2](https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2) *(v0.22+)* - [md4c](https://github.com/mity/md4c) *(v0.4.4+)* ## Features & Issues ###### Features - Markdown rendering to HTML for README files - ~~Syntax hilighting~~ - Repository categories - Direct download to repository tar.gz - Style changes - ~~Raw file viewing~~ ###### Issues - [ ] Clickable heading *(h1-h6)* links in README *(md4c does not FULLY transform markdown)* - [ ] Top/bottom padding for multi-lined `` blocks - [ ] Missing image references in README files *(md4c does not look in /files/ for the .screens directory)* - [ ] Generating html for binary content is pointless. No links at all for these files. ## Props - Hiltjo Posthuma *(orignal author of [stagit](https://codemadness.org/git/stagit/))* - Larry Burns *([stagit-md](https://github.com/lmburns/stagit-md))* - Oscar Benedito *([md4c implementation](https://oscarbenedito.com/blog/2020/08/adding-about-pages-to-stagit/))* ___ ###### Mirrors [acid.vegas](https://git.acid.vegas/stagit) • [GitHub](https://github.com/acidvegas/stagit) • [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/acidvegas/stagit) • [SuperNETs](https://git.supernets.org/acidvegas/stagit)